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Baldwin Said 30 Rock Will Not End This Season

NBC 30 Rock key actor Alec Baldwin said in an interview last days that 30 Rock will not renew after this season. Though 30 Rock film team said not, in order to minish the bad effect, Baldwin announced an statement:

I want to take the opportunity to state that although my days on network TV may be numbered, I hope 30 Rock goes on forever. Or at least as long as everyone involved desires.

Next year hopefully won’t be the last. Kenneth can run the network. Jenna will get her own talk show. Tracy will become Mayor of New York. Then resign to go raise exotic reptiles. And Lemon will go do…. just about anything she sets her mind to.

Here’s to five more seasons.

This is not the first time Baldwin discuss the future of 30 Rock in public. He told CNN last year his contract will finish in 2012 and he will leave then. But after that his spokeman said he didn’t have that plan. In 2009, Baldwin said he would be off this field and “has no interest in acting at all”.

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